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【FinTech Dark War & To Cheung】The Spirit of DAO How to participate in DHK DAO?

Cheung To and Kin Ko discuss the concept of DAO and why it is often misused and reduces its value. The two admitted in the short film that DAO is a term that has no official definition, but can be understood as an organization with goals where members share common beliefs and work together. Kin Ko shared their personal experience with the DAO and detailed an approach they implemented called "lazy consensus" that aimed to find a balance between efficiency and democracy.

The two also mentioned the impact of the active participation of the community in various decisions on the results, including discussing the factors that caused the price of LikeCoin to drop, and explaining how LikeCoin and Osmo are used to provide liquidity.



#財科暗戰 #區塊鏈 #章濤 #比特幣 #章濤不是姜濤 #CheungtTonotKeungTo #Blockchain #Cryptocurrency #高重建 #Atom #去中心化出版 #DAO






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